Week 13 Part A: Online Advertising - Analysis of the Marketplace The only social media that I personally use on a regular basis is Facebook so I will be using the advertising from there for this assignment. The one thing that I love about the advertising and sponsored posts on Facebook is the fact that they are tailor made for me and always seem to know what I would be interested in seeing. There is a few times that the ads are not useful or relatable to me but that is a less common issue, what draws my attention is the fact that some of these advertisements are on products that I am interested in. The ads that I find to be most effective are the ones that use visual imagery and they are extremely effective as they make you want to stop and look. Now the ads that I find to be the most annoying are the ones that play while I am trying to watch a video on Facebook this is something that I wish they would have the option to remove because there are some videos that have multiple ads...
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Week 12 Part A: Business Specific Online Tools After reading the lecture and seeing some different platforms available for marketing my business outside of social media I concluded that I still will not be using this type of marketing to promote my business. My business being small there will not be a lot of time or money to take on this added work to promote my business. Since we will be dealing with animal sales I still believe that Facebook groups are the way to go when it comes to promoting my business on social media. Another great option is there are forums available for people to buy/sell reptiles and non forum sites as well. My business has already gotten extremely lucky as we have already found well respected sellers that are willing to buy our animals from us. We were able to find these sellers by visiting a Reptile Expo and talking with some of the merchants there and through our own personal collection growth. Due to the fact that we have already found sellers it is u...
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Week 11: Marketing with Twitter, LinkedIn, Social Influencers After carefully reading into all of these different social media platforms, I have decided that my business will not be using them. My business is going to be a very small business and with only my husband and I running it all while taking care of animals it's going to take up a lot of the time and I don't want to overload what we can do. Currently, we have a page on Facebook and an account with Instagram and even with just these 2 platforms we are having difficulty keeping them updated with content. For this blog post, I will be writing why my business will not be using Twitter, LinkedIn and social media influencers. Let's look at Twitter first, while it has over 320 Million active accounts it is also a platform that has been used for controversy. Users are able to include your tag in their own personal post which could lead to you gaining more followers or losing followers not to mention potentially putting ...
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Week 10 Part B: Blogs I commented on Johnathan Golding- Week 10 Part A: Researching Email Marketing (csit155-sp21jgolding.blogspot.com) Teresa Lendy- Teresa's CSIT 155 Spring 2021 class blog (csit155-sp21-teresal.blogspot.com) Ty Morissette- Ty's CSIT-155-SP21 Class Blog: Week 10 Part A: Research Email Marketing (csit155-sp21-tym.blogspot.com)
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Week 10 Part A: Researching Email Marketing After reviewing the lecture material, my plan will be to send out a newsletter at least once a month. More often than that can create a clutter in my potential customer's inbox and could result in them unsubscribing from my newsletter. The information that I will use in my newsletter will be animals coming soon, alert to upcoming deals, images, and also engage with customers by recognizing the individuals buying my animals. Currently, I am enrolled in multiple newsletters from many different reptile sites and I have never received a newsletter from one of them. The only reason that I can think of that newsletters are not being sent is just because the reptile industry is different from most companies, they rely on images and not words to sell products. If my business simply put into words the animals that would be coming soon without pictures I am losing a lot of business as not every customer wants to read. Putting pictures out there d...
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Week 9 Part B: Using Categories My plan for this business is to stay inside of the pet categories as the market for exotic pets is still so minimal. To be able to achieve this, I will be joining fellow groups that have a similar love and interest for exotic pets. My husband and I recently went to a Reptile Expo in San Diego and was able to be among others that share the same love and interest. Events are another categories that I hadn't even thought about, but it's one of the best places to meet people inside of the hobby and potential customers. At the reptile show, we were approached by very well known businesses that have offered to go into business with my husband and I as far as selling our animals. Instead of our business starting fresh we would have the opportunity to become more of a wholesaler for well known shops and wouldn't have to do most of the leg work. Both posts shared on Instagram and Facebook!!
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Week 9 Part A: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts & Webinars After watching the lecture, I think that including a personal touch is so important because it helps people know that you are real people just like them. Posts can make people feel something when it has that personal feeling to it, like posting on a significant day in history that impacted peoples lives. It makes sense to include this in a post when it is has the intention of making people feel a certain way about your product. Using a personal touch I think is something that should always be included in posts, if potential customers are made to feel good about your product this can lead to an increase in sales. As far as using this in my business it would work in the aspect of showing pictures of family's with their new animals. In the other reptile businesses pages there is no sense of personal touch anywhere on any of the pages as the main motivation is to sell their animals, this is something that I would want to change as ...